I was listening to my latest podcast episode and I was truly blown away by the discussion I was having with my guest. My audience was treated to a small glimpse into the theories and philosophy of a forward-thinking innovator in the education field. Listening to our conversation made me realize how powerful the Lyfe Aligned Podcast really is. I started thinking back on all of the guests who have been gracious enough to join me and I was struck by the absolutely amazing humans who I have been blessed to come in contact with. I have been set on this path for a reason. My show is necessary and important in the collective enlightenment.

In this moment I had another epiphany. I have spent way too many moments since launching the podcast checking the analytics on my dashboard, which sends me on a roller coaster of emotion. I feel great pride and excitement on the days I see “growth,” then question whether or not I should bother to continue on the days there’s a dip. Today I innerstood; really and truly, that the numbers don’t matter. The content I am putting out is reaching the exact number of people it’s supposed to. Whether you listen to all my shows, one show, or haven’t listened at all, everyone who was meant to receive the message gets it.

The advent of social media has only amplified the human tendency to compare and compete. People loudly glorify their highs, which makes outside observer wonder what they’re doing wrong. Why am I not where she is? Such toxic thinking will derail you before you ever give your seeds a chance to grow. If Rihanna spent her time obsessing about Beyoncé’s achievements Fenty and all of its subdivisions wouldn’t exist. Tend to your garden and stop worrying about your neighbor’s crops.

Peace & Love,
