When faced with adversity the final outcome often depends on your response. Do you lay down and give up, waiting for the final blow, or do you pick up our swords and fight? The five of swords is here to remind you that this choice is yours to make. This week may bring with it some challenges that make you just want to throw in the towel, but how will that serve you? The female figure in this image has defeated the male. She was able to subdue a stronger opponent. She has him pinned down, but instead of killing him she has shown him mercy. He will live to fight another day. As you encounter obstacles this week reflect on the Five of Swords and make a conscious choice to fight with all that you have. Choose to be the heroine of this card. Fight hard, but graciously and mercifully.
The Ace of Cups reversed suggests that reflecting on your own feelings and emotions will help you through those tough spots, while the Emperor reversed cautions against focusing too much on work and other people. It is important to find that inner calm that you can retreat to as the storm rages around you. Wednesday’s new moon is an exceptionally good time to do this. Creating a new moon ritual if you don’t already have one is a great way to check in with yourself and set intentions for the coming month. Try this super simple new moon ritual if you’re looking for a place to start:
- Take a warm shower (or bath if you can) and dress comfortably
- Clear your space of any stagnant or negative energy. Sage or Palo Santo are great if you have it, but not necessary. YouTube has plenty of
“energy clearing sounds or music.” Just do a search and choose one you like. - Take ten deep breaths in and release them slowly. If you would like to do a longer meditation go for it! Otherwise continue to Step 4.
- Grab a notebook or sheet of paper and write the following:
- I [YOUR NAME] accept the following into my life for the highest good of myself and everyone I come in contact with:
- List as many items as you want
- Close with “And so it is”
- I [YOUR NAME] accept the following into my life for the highest good of myself and everyone I come in contact with:
- End your ritual by playing a snippet of the energy clearing music you opened with.
Be sure to update (rewrite) your list each new moon. Remove anything you already have or no loner need and add new items.
Peace, Love, & Light,