The Snake at the center of this week’s Lenormand spread is preparing you to deal with deceptive news or information (Rider), that may impact a decision (Crossroads) you make. There are a few other interpretations that may apply to you as well. In communications with a person of significance in your life (Rider) your “wires” (Snake) may be crossed (Crossroads). Similarly, the travel of news (Rider) may be cut off or intercepted (Crossroads) due to problems with the lines/wires or connection (Snake). Given this information, what can you do to uncover the truth hidden beneath the lies or communicate your message clearly? Let’s turn to Tarot for some insight.

The first card in the spread suggests actions you may take to discover the truth or communicate clearly. In the Seven of Pentacles we see a man resting after some hard work. There is a pile of leaves in front of him. He has just completed the exhausting task of clearing away what is dead and no longer useful so that new things can grow. When you are interacting with people this week, particularly in business matters and personal relationships, don’t just take someone’s word. Analyze statements that are made and information you have received to see if there are any discrepancies. What facts lay beneath the misinformation? Use this new information to make an informed decision. In conversations you are having don’t just assume that the person you are speaking with understands what you are trying to say. Do the hard work of taking time out to check in with the other party to make sure your message has been correctly received. Clear up any misunderstandings before feelings are hurt or deals are broken.

Make time for working on your defense this week. The figure in the Seven of Wands is using his branch to ward off an attack. He is in a fighter’s stance and ready to defend himself at any moment. Building up your defenses takes time and practice. Don’t wait until your defensive skills are needed to use them. The best defense is often a good offense and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Do things to center yourself before problems arise, so that you are able to remain calm and rational when they do. Meditate, journal, exercise. Build up those skills that will help you cope before you are called upon to use them. Spell your name for the barista before she writes it incorrectly, adding another small annoyance to your morning.

The Ace of Wands is all about beginning new projects. It is the spark that lights the burn to be creative and embark upon an adventure. This card in the release position serves as a warning about lighting the match this week. You may want to hold off on starting any new relationships or business ventures, as the information you are basing your decisions on may not be accurate. Instead, use this week to do some research and find out as much as you can about the situation before deciding. You may feel better prepared and in a position to get a better deal than you had originally anticipated or you may decide that this opportunity is not for you. Either way, by giving yourself some time and space will help you to rest assured, knowing that the choice you made was in fact for your greatest and highest good.

Peace, Love, & Light,
