Fehu is the rune that symbolizes abundance. This does include material abundance and wealth, which is the first thing that came to mind when I recently pulled this symbol. However, after a brief pause in my journaling about the meaning Fehu had in my life in that moment I knew that I was being asked to go so much deeper than material wealth.

An affirmation for Fehu

We live in a 3D world and money is important, but wealth and abundance is much more expansive. In the moment I pulled the Fehu rune I was feeling down about the lack of financial abundance I was experiencing. As a someone who has studied the law of attraction and different manifestation techniques for years, I knew that continuing to focus on lack would only produce more lack. Still, it wasn’t easy to shift out of the slump I was in.

Then I realized I had so much abundance in my life. My family and I are healthy and alive, which is a huge deal after having nearly lost my husband early this year to undetected heart disease. With the help of our family and friends who are family, my daughter had an amazing 10th birthday. I was doing that reading and journaling in one of my favorite cafes, enjoying a delicious, specialty coffee and food.

My business isn’t where I want it to be and my clientele is far smaller than I’d like. I don’t have the ability to make anyone book a reading with me, but I can continue to share my knowledge, experiences, and messages through this blog, my podcast, and occasionally on social media. There are plenty of techniques “guaranteed” to build a seven-figure business, but most of them feel very salesy and scammy to me. That doesn’t align with my goal of helping people help themselves.

I am a teacher at my core and I’ve always marched to the beat of my own xylophone. I have tried to squeeze star-shaped self into round & square business holes and I have been unable to fit. Fehu reminded me that my material wealth is already here for me and it’s on the other side of the star-shaped hole.

When I begin walking in my purpose in ways that feel good and resonate with me material wealth will flow. I will have used the right key for the lock.