F*ck it Friday: July 24, 2020

Fuck jealousy, mood swings, & jumping to conclusions! The Knight of Cups reversed is all of these things. Upright he comes bearing the gift of love and contentment. This all falls out of his cup when he’s upended. The Knight may be you or someone in your...
ThoughtFULL Thursday: July 23, 2020

ThoughtFULL Thursday: July 23, 2020

As you begin to raise your vibration you will inadvertently make those around you who are operating on lower frequencies uncomfortable. This is not to say that you are “good” and they are “bad.” You’re just different. No judgement. You...
Tarot Tuesday: July 21, 2020

Tarot Tuesday: July 21, 2020

Pay careful attention to the ways in which you and your loved ones communicate. More importantly, keep an 👁 out for things left unsaid. Things may not be as they appear, so the question is are you the one being tricky or is someone trying to trick you? Use this new 🌚...

ThoughtFULL Thursday: When it Rains it Pours

“When it rains it pours.” What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you read that aphorism? A series of unfortunate events, perhaps? A chain of calamity is what most people think of when they hear this phrase, but today I challenge you to view...
Tarot Tuesday: June 16, 2020

Tarot Tuesday: June 16, 2020

The way out is to go within. The systems of oppression that have effectively held the masses down for so long are crumbling before our eyes, but there is still work to be done. That work is inside of us. We are the answer we have been searching for. By taking time to...