Embracing the Highs of 2020

Saying that 2020 has been an interesting year is a bit of an understatement. I have seen so many memes and other online content from people anxiously awaiting 2021 in hopes of a “better” year. Refrains of “throw 2020 away” abound. These post typically send me into an internal face palm. The only difference between those of us who are reveling in the transformations we have experienced this year and people who believe it has been the worst year ever is perspective. Difficult situations are a part of life. Unfortunately that includes eventually losing the people closest to us. There are times when these problems may seem insurmountable. However, losing a loved one aside, there’s always a solution. Sometimes that solution requires a different approach. You have to view the problem in an entirely different light. Changing your perspective can often make a once elusive solution seem obvious.

Transformational Solution Finding Tips

Transformational solution finding techniques are valuable skills to cultivate. They can lead to the kind of innovative solutions that allow you to clear blocks and find the best possible solutions to even the the most challenging situations. A lot of times we over complicate things. Some of the best solutions are the simplest ones and all it takes to find them is to gain a fresh perspective.

Try these transformational solution finding techniques in your own life to solve your “impossible” problems:

1. Take a break. You can easily burn yourself out by over thinking a problem over a long period of time. Take a little time away. It will do wonders for your perspective!

  • Take a nap, walk or meditate. Just do something else entirely for a short time, then you can return to the problem at hand refreshed and reinvigorated.

2. Ask your guides. Talk to your God(dess) and your guides and ask them for a solution. Then, watch for signs. You may suddenly be struck with an idea or see a phrase that makes the solution clear.

3. Get it on paper. Write everything down about the situation. Many of us are visually oriented thinkers and having charts or lists can help clarify the problem and its solution.

  • Organizing a seating arrangement for a wedding reception is a great example of how a chart can help solve problems.
  • Your time spent worrying about a problem will decrease significantly when you can physically make changes to your chart and see your solution.

4. Break it down. Just as there is no size in miracles, problems are neither large nor small. Very often what appears to be a large problem is really a series of smaller challenges. Identify each challenge and work on solving them separately.

  • For example, buying a house is one large task that consists of many smaller items. When you break it down, you would focus on dealing with the realtor and getting mortgage approval first without worrying about movers or home inspections.

5. There’s more than one solution to every problem. Don’t limit yourself to just thinking of one solution. Repeat these steps to discover as many solutions as possible. Some of the most brilliant solutions seemed crazy or outlandish when they were first attempted.

Try using these steps to solve one or more challenges you’ve encountered this year, then let me know how it went. Were you able to find a solution? Did changing your perspective help to change the way you thought about the last twelve months? Has your dumpster fire become a welcome bonfire that you can enjoy with a cup of cocoa and toasted marshmallows? Using this procedure regularly will enable you to view your problems in a new way and discover solutions more quickly. Also, be patient and try not to get frustrated at the process. Some problems are more difficult than others and will take more time to solve. But rest assured there is an answer!